



Son of an optimist & a psychologist. Brother to a caffeine arbitrator. Resourceful father. Enterprising residential putterer. Lawn warrior. Corporate secessionist. Open-air leisurist. Airline tray organizer. Opportunity exhauster. Late arriver. Dark City citizen. Car camper. Chronic re-user. Visual learner. Shoddy test taker. Dogma rejector. Chronic detail forgetter. Eighth grade drummer. Classic rock aficionado. Dad bod rocker. House Renovator. Hammock champion. Zeitgeist clinician. Dexterous designer. Long-winded talker. Mountaineer. Anxious American. Middling Athlete. Functional footwear shopper. Car seat installer. Subscription hedonist. Illegal downloader. Chevy driver. Weed puller. Retail enthusiast. Highly-efficient packer. Prime Member. Entry-level old pro. Dual-brain worker. Walkabouter. Youtube educated. Distraction luster. Movie guzzler. Novice teacher. Creative Brand Manager. Old North Stater.